Advocacy strategy

Advocacy strategy

The goal of the advocacy strategy is to improve of early childhood development and family support state system, via full-fledged participation of the coalition.

Strategic Priorities of the Advocacy Plan

Strategic Priority 1: Improvement of the child and family’s early support system and relevant services at the national level: a) corresponding to the internationally recognized principles; human/child rights; b) available financially and geographically; c) timely and targeted; considering child/family’s individual needs and abilities; consistent; coordinated; implementation the high-quality services and monitoring system; guaranteeing the update and modification of the ECD state program.

Strategic Priority 2: Ensuring the effective referral and transition system, applying contemporary standards and coordinated approach among systems.

Strategic Priority 3: Providing high-quality early childhood and family support services at the national level via the development of the educational/academic standards and regulations, and the training of professional staff.

Advocacy Strategy Goals 2020-22

Goal 1. Early detection and prevention of the risks of developmental delays among children. Introduction of a modern system of supervision and promotion its proper functioning.

Goal 2. Enabling an effective early childhood intervention and family support services at the national level.

Goal 3. Identify and facilitate the provision of appropriate services for children with special needs of preschool age and their families.

Goal 4. Raising awareness of the wider public on the importance of early childhood development and the significance of family support in this regard.

Goal 5. In accordance with the international principles and standards provision of professional training and introduction of a life-long educational system.